Whether you’re a corporate changemaker,
a C-suite executive, consultant or MBA student, this book has something to teach you.
Whether you’re a corporate changemaker,
a C-suite executive, consultant or MBA student, this book has something to teach you.
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Here’s what people are saying about 6 Building Blocks for Successful Innovation: How Entrepreneurial Leaders Design Innovative Futures.
“Successful innovation is necessary, not easy. But the good news is that it can be learned. Learning from the experiences of others through analogical reasoning is a particularly effective approach to master innovation. This highly engaging book provides numerous great experiences from talented innovators from across a wide range of industries. Travel along with their innovation journeys, enjoy the ride, and become more effective yourself in the sometimes bumpy but always inspiring process of successful innovation.”
Professor of New Product Marketing at Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
“6 Building Blocks for Successful Innovation is an invaluable resource for practitioners in the field. Equal parts cookbook for innovators and collection of innovation stories from diverse companies, countries and industries. It will sit on your desk, not your bookshelf.”
Vice President, Chief Strategy & Innovation Officer at Publicis Sapient, Australia
“Double Nobel laureate Linus Pauling attributed his success in generating novel innovations from knowledge acquired in multiple arenas. This text offers insights from a breadth of fields that can stimulate readers from any domain to leverage these creative journeys. The first-hand accounts are particularly compelling, and really communicate the critical role of context.”
Professor & Dean’s Research Fellow of Entrepreneurship at Kogod School of Business, American University, Washington, D.C., Director of the American University Center for Innovation, and Professor at the Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen, Norway
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6 Building Blocks for Successful Innovation:
How Entrepreneurial Leaders Design Innovative Futures is available now.